70 research outputs found

    Effect of adult weight and CT-based selection on the performances of growing rabbits

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    The aim of the study was to compare the productive performance of different genotypes. Maternal (M; n=32, adult weight /AW/ 4.0-4.5kg, selected for number of kits born alive), Pannon White (P; n=32, AW: 4.3-4.8kg), and Large body line (L; n=32, AW: 4.8- 5.4kg) (P and L were selected for carcass traits based on CT /Computer tomography/data) rabbits were analysed. Average daily gain between 5-11wk of age, body weight at 11wk of age and feed intake were significantly (P<0.001) highest for L rabbits. For M, P and L rabbits, the following values were observed: average daily gain=38.6, 43.1 and 47.4g/d; body weight=2458, 2667 and 2949g; feed intake=115, 121 and 138g/d, respectively. Mortality of growing rabbits was unaffected by genotype. It can be concluded that production traits were mainly affected by the adult weight of the genotypes

    Structure of characteristic Lyapunov vectors in spatiotemporal chaos

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    We study Lyapunov vectors (LVs) corresponding to the largest Lyapunov exponents in systems with spatiotemporal chaos. We focus on characteristic LVs and compare the results with backward LVs obtained via successive Gram-Schmidt orthonormalizations. Systems of a very different nature such as coupled-map lattices and the (continuous-time) Lorenz `96 model exhibit the same features in quantitative and qualitative terms. Additionally we propose a minimal stochastic model that reproduces the results for chaotic systems. Our work supports the claims about universality of our earlier results [I. G. Szendro et al., Phys. Rev. E 76, 025202(R) (2007)] for a specific coupled-map lattice.Comment: 9 page

    Effect of hair shearing on live performance and carcass traits of growing rabbits under hot ambient temperature

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    The aim of the study was to examine the effect of hair shearing in growing rabbits reared at high ambient temperature. The live performance and carcass traits of growing rabbits reared at 20°C (not sheared, C, n=50) or at 28°C (not sheared, H, n=50, or sheared at 5, 7 and 9 wk, HS, n=50) were compared. The ambient temperature and relative humidity were 20.5±1.1°C and 54±11% in the 20°C room and 28.8±0.2°C and 35±8% in 28°C room, respectively. Feed intake of H and HS groups decreased by 29.0 and 20.4%, respectively, compared to C rabbits (P<0.001). The same data for weight gain were 24.6 and 16.9% (P<0.001), and for body weight at 12 wk were 16.8 and 11.5% (P<0.001). At the same time, the feed conversion ratio improved (C: 3.53, HS: 3.34, H: 3.31; P<0.001). Nevertheless, the mortality rate of rabbits was not affected by the studied treatment and was overall low (0-4%). No differences were observed in dressing out percentages either (ratio of chilled carcass (CC) to the slaughter weight: 61.6-61.9%). The ratio of liver to CC differed among the experimental groups, with the highest value recorded in C group and the lowest in H group; HS rabbits showed intermediate results (C: 4.86%, HS: 4.27%, H: 3.91%; P<0.001). Lower ratios of fat deposits to reference carcass were also observed in rabbits kept at high ambient temperature (perirenal fat: C: 2.59%, HS: 1.82%, H: 1.60%; P<0.001; scapular fat: C: 0.89%, HS: 0.66%, H: 0.51%; P<0.001). It can be concluded that the negative effect of higher ambient temperature (28 vs. 20°C) on production in growing rabbits can be reduced significantly by hair shearing

    Van Kampen's expansion approach in an opinion formation model

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    We analyze a simple opinion formation model consisting of two parties, A and B, and a group I, of undecided agents. We assume that the supporters of parties A and B do not interact among them, but only interact through the group I, and that there is a nonzero probability of a spontaneous change of opinion (A->I, B->I). From the master equation, and via van Kampen's Omega-expansion approach, we have obtained the "macroscopic" evolution equation, as well as the Fokker-Planck equation governing the fluctuations around the deterministic behavior. Within the same approach, we have also obtained information about the typical relaxation behavior of small perturbations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submited to Europ.Phys.J.

    Theory and computation of covariant Lyapunov vectors

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    Lyapunov exponents are well-known characteristic numbers that describe growth rates of perturbations applied to a trajectory of a dynamical system in different state space directions. Covariant (or characteristic) Lyapunov vectors indicate these directions. Though the concept of these vectors has been known for a long time, they became practically computable only recently due to algorithms suggested by Ginelli et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 2007, 130601] and by Wolfe and Samelson [Tellus 59A, 2007, 355]. In view of the great interest in covariant Lyapunov vectors and their wide range of potential applications, in this article we summarize the available information related to Lyapunov vectors and provide a detailed explanation of both the theoretical basics and numerical algorithms. We introduce the notion of adjoint covariant Lyapunov vectors. The angles between these vectors and the original covariant vectors are norm-independent and can be considered as characteristic numbers. Moreover, we present and study in detail an improved approach for computing covariant Lyapunov vectors. Also we describe, how one can test for hyperbolicity of chaotic dynamics without explicitly computing covariant vectors.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Emergence of Tuning to Natural Stimulus Statistics along the Central Auditory Pathway

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    We have previously shown that neurons in primary auditory cortex (A1) of anaesthetized (ketamine/medetomidine) ferrets respond more strongly and reliably to dynamic stimuli whose statistics follow "natural" 1/f dynamics than to stimuli exhibiting pitch and amplitude modulations that are faster (1/f(0.5)) or slower (1/f(2)) than 1/f. To investigate where along the central auditory pathway this 1/f-modulation tuning arises, we have now characterized responses of neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC) and the ventral division of the mediate geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (MGV) to 1/f(gamma) distributed stimuli with gamma varying between 0.5 and 2.8. We found that, while the great majority of neurons recorded from the ICC showed a strong preference for the most rapidly varying (1/f(0.5) distributed) stimuli, responses from MGV neurons did not exhibit marked or systematic preferences for any particular gamma exponent. Only in A1 did a majority of neurons respond with higher firing rates to stimuli in which gamma takes values near 1. These results indicate that 1/f tuning emerges at forebrain levels of the ascending auditory pathway

    Antibiotic resistance: a physicist’s view

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    The problem of antibiotic resistance poses challenges across many disciplines. One such challenge is to understand the fundamental science of how antibiotics work, and how resistance to them can emerge. This is an area where physicists can make important contributions. Here, we highlight cases where this is already happening, and suggest directions for further physics involvement in antimicrobial research.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Genotype to phenotype mapping and the fitness landscape of the E. coli lac promoter

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    Genotype-to-phenotype maps and the related fitness landscapes that include epistatic interactions are difficult to measure because of their high dimensional structure. Here we construct such a map using the recently collected corpora of high-throughput sequence data from the 75 base pairs long mutagenized E. coli lac promoter region, where each sequence is associated with its phenotype, the induced transcriptional activity measured by a fluorescent reporter. We find that the additive (non-epistatic) contributions of individual mutations account for about two-thirds of the explainable phenotype variance, while pairwise epistasis explains about 7% of the variance for the full mutagenized sequence and about 15% for the subsequence associated with protein binding sites. Surprisingly, there is no evidence for third order epistatic contributions, and our inferred fitness landscape is essentially single peaked, with a small amount of antagonistic epistasis. There is a significant selective pressure on the wild type, which we deduce to be multi-objective optimal for gene expression in environments with different nutrient sources. We identify transcription factor (CRP) and RNA polymerase binding sites in the promotor region and their interactions without difficult optimization steps. In particular, we observe evidence for previously unexplored genetic regulatory mechanisms, possibly kinetic in nature. We conclude with a cautionary note that inferred properties of fitness landscapes may be severely influenced by biases in the sequence data
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